Publisher Checklist: How to Adapt to Chrome’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation in 2024

Publisher Checklist: How to Adapt to Chrome’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation in 2024

2 min readJan 17, 2024


Now that Chrome’s third-party cookie phase-out has already started, it’s high time for publishers to rapidly adapt to the new, cookieless era in order to minimize ad revenue loss.

It was expected, and now it did happen — on Jan 4, 2024 Google officially launched the Tracking Protection features in its Chrome browser (for the random 1% of users), marking the beginning of the new, cookieless era in digital advertising. And even though this topic has been widely-discussed among the reputable experts and market leaders for years, the industry could have probably prepared for the cookie deprecation better.

Check out a comprehensive AdPlayer.Pro guide for publishers on how to adapt to the third-party cookie phase-out in 2024 and find out:

  • What are the key challenges that digital publishers face in view of the third-party cookie phase-out in Chrome?
  • Which tech specifications should be primarily prioritized by publishers in the programmatic ad context in 2024?
  • Is it the right time to implement Google’s Privacy Sandbox yet? And much more.




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