Keys to Effective First-Party Data Strategy Development

Keys to Effective First-Party Data Strategy Development

1 min readOct 13, 2021


2021 has been all about customer data, and publishers need to embrace their first-party opportunities in order to achieve their monetization goals in 2022.

Whereas connected TV advertising ruled the industry in 2020, in 2021 the notion of customer data definitely stole the limelight.

In this respect, while experts may be arguing which is more important, the zero- or the second-party data, for instance, they’ve already reached a consensus on the most crucial type of data for businesses working digital advertising for 2022 — it’s first-party data.

Read a comprehensive AdPlayer.Pro guide for publishers outlining ideas on how to develop a successful first-party data strategy and find out:

  • Why & how to evaluate the publisher’s existing data stack?
  • Why do data activation capabilities matter and how to expand them?
  • How to find growth areas in terms of first-party data monetization? And more.




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