How to Unleash Incremental Value of Digital Video Advertising Campaigns

How to Unleash Incremental Value of Digital Video Advertising Campaigns

1 min readFeb 19, 2021

While digital ad industry forecasts for 2021 were generally optimistic, now that Q1 2021 is half-way through, it’s time to accelerate businesses’ efforts to make the most of it.

In this respect, even though publishers running online video ads on their websites/apps usually have more access to premium Demand partners, this doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement, when it comes to their monetization strategy.

In plain words: even if you’re doing it all the right way, you can still take a step further to achieve better video ad revenue results.

Check out a brand-new guide for publishers on the AdPlayer.Pro blog and find out:

  • What is a data-informed approach and why should you consider it, aiming to enhance content relevance to the adjacent video ad creatives?
  • What is the AAM audit program for publishers and what benefits does it imply?
  • Why implementing OM Web Video SDK is a good idea for publishers, hoping to sustain their reputation as reliable Supply partners in 2021? And much more.




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