How to Smooth out the Setup / Launch of Digital Video Advertising Campaigns

How to Smooth out the Setup / Launch of Digital Video Advertising Campaigns

1 min readMar 18, 2021


Running successful online video ad campaigns isn’t an easy task to cope with. Fortunately, there ARE some efficient ways to streamline their setup and launch.

Contrary to somewhat a common assumption, creating and launching a video ad campaign is a complex, multidimensional challenge. In fact, it actually includes a multitude of time-, money- and effort-consuming challenges, all which are crucial to cope with, in order to succeed.

On the bright side, however, digital marketers’ lives can become a little easier, with the introduction of advanced video ad server capabilities, like the recently introduced “YouTube Demand” feature by AdPlayer.Pro.

Check out the brand-new, comprehensive guide on our blog and find out:

  • What issues does the new functionality help resolve?
  • What benefits does it unlock for advertisers, as well publishers of editorial inventory?
  • How to use the feature in the AdPlayer.Pro dashboard? And more.




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